Judi’s personal thoughts for January-May 2019 Newsletter

Judi’s personal thoughts for January-May 2019 Newsletter

I wanted to share a memory that comes from my previous marriage before my first husband passed away and before Wynn and I were married. There were many lessons in life that serve me well over those years and I wanted to share this one with you.

Years ago, when I owned interest in a timeshare, I had a very interesting experience. We had a resort only 10 miles from where we lived. It was in a lovely town called Leavenworth in Washington State. Sometimes just for a break we would go for a week and called it a mini vacation. I would still continue to go to work but would spend the evenings and usually a weekend enjoying the Bavarian Village atmosphere.

One evening we were talking about how it might feel to live in that condo that we loved. We started to imagine our possessions in the condo. It didn’t take long to realize that as we started bringing the visual of our “stuff” and decide how to place it in the condo, it began to lose it’s magic. It felt crowded and we realized we couldn’t fit everything. The thrill was gone.

When God leads us into a place of peace and rest we need to be sure to leave our baggage behind.
Once we start trying to fit our baggage into His plan, we lose the essence of what He has prepared for us.
