Online Courses

Our online course, Dealing with Pain, Anger and Depression, is now live!
Learn how to deal with pain, anger and depression in a healthy and biblical way that will lead to wholeness instead of destruction.
Other Courses
In Person RW One Day Seminar: “From Shame to Intimacy with Christ” – One Day Seminar
Cost: $75 per person – Comprehensive manual included — Length: One day seminar — Audience: Men and Women — From Shame to Intimacy with Christ is a one day seminar designed to give an introduction to what RW Ministries has to offer to the Church. This course deals with the foundations of our life and the brokenness, fears, addictions, and shame based character that develops. It focuses on pointing individuals toward breaking the shame, which is at the heart of…
In Person Restoring Wholeness ……. “16 Week Support Program”
Cost: $150 per person – Comprehensive manual included — Length: 16 weeks — Audience: Men — RW Support Program is a course for men and women designed to minister to individuals within the Church. This intensive course deals with the foundations of our life and the brokenness, fears, addictions, and shame-based character that develops. If focuses on pointing individuals toward breaking the shame, which is at the heart of continuing struggles, through biblical based ministry and confidential small groups. Course…
In Person Restoring Wholeness Support Group: “Freedom from CoDependency”
Cost: $75 per person – Comprehensive manual included — Length: 4 weeks — Audience: Men and Women — Freedom from Co-Dependency Support Program is designed to minister to individuals within the Church. This course focuses on understanding co-dependency and dealing with the root causes that dependency initiates. It deals with the brokenness, fears, addictions, and shame based character. Freedom and liberty are available through Biblical based ministry and confidential small groups. “Know the Truth and the Truth will set you…
In Person Restoring Wholeness Support Group: “Help for Family”
Cost: $75 per person – Comprehensive manual included — Length: 4 weeks — Audience: Families — Restoring Wholeness for the Family is designed to minister to individuals within the Church who are seeking to help and support family members or friends struggling with relational and sexual brokenness. This course deals with the foundations of our life and the brokenness, fears, addictions, and shame based character that develops. It focuses on pointing individuals toward breaking the shame, which is at the…
In Person Restoring Wholeness Support Group: “Dealing with Pain, Anger and Depression”
Cost: $75 per person – Comprehensive manual included — Length: 4 weeks — Audience: Men and Women — This course is designed to help individuals within the Church. This course focuses on understanding anger and dealing with the root causes of anger that pain initiates. Depression, which many who struggle with pain and anger, is also covered in this course. The course deals with brokenness, fears, addictions, and shame based character. Freedom and liberty are available through Biblical based ministry…
In Person Restoring Wholeness: “Support Group Leader’s Training”
Cost: $250 per person — Length: 4 full days Audience: Church leaders — This comprehensive course is designed to assist church leaders, or those preparing to step into leadership, in learning how to understand and disciple those with relational and sexual issues using Biblical counseling methods. Introduction to CourseLesson 1: God’s Original Intent – Looking through the Lens of God’s PurposeLesson 2: Blessing, The Parent’s Role & Systems, The Family’s RoleLesson 3: Shame Based Family Rules & Resolving ShameLesson 4: Exploring the Roots of…