Same Sex Attraction

Same Sex Attraction

“Born that way” theory

“Born that way” theory Homosexuality 101: What Every Therapist, Parent, And Homosexual Should Know Link: Radio Interview With Dr. Stanton Jones — September 27, 2007 Study Seeks To Discover Genetic Origin Of Homosexuality Link: Can You Change Your Sexual Orientation? By N.E. Whitehead, Ph.D. Link:  The Science of Sexual Identity Myths And Misconceptions About Behavioral Genetics And Homosexuality Link: Same-Sex Behavior in the Animal Kingdom What Do First Stages Of SSA Or OSA Tell Us About Their Origin? Facts, Not flattery, About Same-Sex…

Ex-Gay: Fact, Fraud of Fantasy?

Ex-Gay: Fact, Fraud of Fantasy? by Frank Worthen “Ex-Gay” is a term that always seems to bring a response. For the most part, the gay community believes this is a total lie. They deny that it is possible to become ex-gay. It is their belief that “ex-gay” is a fraudulent term. They may allow that the ex-gay person is sincere in his belief of change, but they see the ex-gay as simply engrossed in a fantasy situation. They think that…

What Is Same Sex Attraction?

What Is Same Sex Attraction?  by Frank Worthen Understanding the meaning of the term is essential if we are to minister effectively to those struggling with this issue. The majority of homosexuals believe they were “born gay”. This comforting belief relieves them of any responsibility of change. However, there is no solid scientific evidence that people are born homosexual. The overwhelming majority of gay people are completely normal genetically and hormonally. They are either completely male or completely female. Learned Behavior…

What Do Those Struggling With Sexual Brokenness Want To Tell The Church?

What Do Those Struggling With Sexual Brokenness Want To Tell The Church? by Jeremy Marks Many people are surprised to learn there are ministries available to help those who struggle with same sex feelings – but do not want to be, because of their Christian faith. It may come as even more of a surprise to learn that not everyone who is attracted to same sex people wants to live out a ‘gay’ lifestyle. Yet approaches to the issue among…

“Change!” by Carol Wagstaff Groen and Phillip Lee

Change! By Carol Wagstaff Groen and Phillip Lee The Oxford American Dictionary defines change as to make or become different; to pass from one form or phase into another. Certainly, for any individual the greatest change is to become a Christian and know that your destination has been changed from hell to heaven; to become born-again. While Scripture and an abundance of secular literature provide evidence that homosexuality, though deeply ingrained and even habitually practiced, can be overcome both as…

How to Minister to Someone Struggling with Same Sex Attraction

How to Minister to Someone Struggling with Same Sex Attraction by David Kyle Foster Preliminary Assessments Begin by taking an assessment of your own heart. Ask God to show you what is motivating you to “help” them. Is it embarrassment over how it looks to others, or your reputation as a parent or pastor? Are you revulsed by their attractions and want to make them disappear? Are you expecting a divine magic wand in response to your prayers that will…