“personal notes from Judi” Prove it! June-September 2019

“personal notes from Judi” Prove it! June-September 2019

Prove it!

How many times have you been on social media and have read something “NEW” and been either amazed or upset by this new-found information?  We are learning to not believe everything we read or hear. We can be gullible at times especially if it’s something we like or want. We need to do our own research and fact check and find out the source of the information.

This reminds me of our spiritual food. How many times do we read something written, hear something spoken and if we want or like it we confirm it in our minds? It becomes a part of our belief system and we act on those beliefs. This is just a reminder to fact check your spiritual food. Much of it may need to be recalled. Take the time to seek out truth. Go to the WORD and fact check what you are listening to and reading. There are many resources and it’s up to use to have a balanced diet of truth and God’s Word.

Psalm 119:11 (NKJV)

“Your word I have hidden in my heart, that I might not sin against You.”