personal / ministry notes from Brett – 3rd quarter 2024

personal / ministry notes from Brett – 3rd quarter 2024

Brett Martin

Our schedule is full, all due to our Father’s will and purpose. Holly and I are just returning from California fund raising. Just as Wynn needs to raise support so he can continue ministering…we do as well. Thank you to all who have partnered with us!

For all of us who have traveled on an airline, we are familiar with the instructions the flight attendants give to the passengers that state, “Please put your oxygen mask on first before you assist your child or another passenger”.

If I am honest, when I first heard this, it didn’t make sense to me.  My initial thoughts were that, “it would be more important to help those around me first if there was a need”.  What I failed to understand, or connect the dots with, was that if I couldn’t get oxygen to my own body and brain, then I certainly wouldn’t be any help to others.


Working with students the past 30 plus years, I have seen this principle in action as well, both spiritually and emotionally.  If my “spiritual” batteries are not charged, I find it much harder and difficult to minister to others.  My fleshly selfish carnal attitudes are ever before me!

The Lord continues to open doors and give Holly and I favor with students at NAU and Embry Riddle Aeronautical University. 

Our vision is to come alongside the Chi Alpha leaders and support their ministry efforts with the Restoring Wholeness curriculum.  This past year, we successfully ran four Restoring Wholeness groups.  One for both campuses, one for our home church in Cottonwood and ran my first pilot Zoom RW class for a graduate from Embry Riddle, where both Wynn and Jason had opportunities to minister to this student as well.  It was awesome! 

Soon Holly and I will travel to Thailand to work alongside Assembly of God missionary friends serving at a conference doing a breakout session, praying through the Red Light District, doing homeless ministry and being open to the opportunities the Lord brings our way.  

The Lord used Wynn and a group of leaders to establish Restoring Wholeness back in 1997 in South Africa. 

Not only has the Lord used Restoring Wholeness ministry in South Africa, England, Switzerland, Ukraine, on University campuses, and soon Thailand, we are encouraged by the open doors that God continues to present.  The Lord desires to bring healing and restoration and freedom to those in spiritual, emotional , relational and sexual brokenness. 

Although, I am humbled and encouraged, I am reminded of the importance of putting my spiritual and emotional oxygen mask on first.  The needs are great. Jesus calls us to Himself.  His yoke is easy and His burden is light!  Let us run to and with the Father!!