“…my spirit was broken…”
At the age of three my father walked out on us. My brother and sister were already in a foster home by the time I reached the age of five. That’s when my mother gave me over to a foster home.
It was from about that time that I began being abused by a neighbor’s son. At first I was afraid but after a while I began to accept the attention he gave me. I felt all alone and my spirit was broken.
The abuse continued until I was sent to a special boarding school. Then it began all over again just after starting school. Older boys took advantage of me. I didn’t really like it but I was so hungry for love and attendtion.
At the age of sixteen I began to run away to the streets. I slipped into gay bars to find guys who would take me home. This became the only life I knew. I wasn’t happy about it but it seemed as if that was the only thing I could do.
I had a hard time dealing with life in general. Everyday responsibilities were hard for me. I’d never been taught how to deal with common every day matters. When I finally got a credit card I ran up the charges to the maximum amount and didn’t think anything about my responsibility of paying it off. I got in way over my head.
One day a friend of mine told me about a guy who could help me. I didn’t even know if I could be helped…or if I even wanted to be helped. But I finally called him. It was the best decision I ever made.
He told me that God never wanted the things that had happened to me to happen. He said that Jesus loved me and wanted to come into my life and restore His true purpose in me. After a very long conversation with Wynn I realized that there was hope. He had been through similar experiences and I could see that he had peace in his life. I wanted that.
After several years my life is getting sorted out. I know it would take time but having loving people around me to support my transition has been the balance to the transformative power of God’s purpose for me. I’m so glad I decided to seek God. I am walking day by day in the grace of God