“I’m nineteen years old and for most of my life I’ve ask the question, “Where is God?” I grew up in a home that was very confusing and sometimes abusive. There were many arguments and I seemed to be right in the middle of my mom and dad. To add to the confusion my dad never seemed to accept or connect with me which made me feel very alienated and alone. I didn’t know where I belonged.
“On top of this mess I was molested by my cousin at an early age. I liked the attention and wanted more even though I experienced fear and shame when I had sex with him. Around the age of 15 I ran away from home and began to go home with just about anyone who would give me love and attention. At 16 I began working in massage parlor for men. Sex became my way of coping with all my pain.
“Finally the police caught me and returned me to my parents. I hated my life and wanted to change. It was at this point I heard what I thought was God speak to me. Shortly after I heard about Restoring Wholeness Ministries. I wasn’t really sure about these people. No one had ever understood me before, why should they now?! But for the first time in my life I found others who knew what I felt. They were quite open about the issues that really mattered.
“I went through counseling and one of their support groups. Its taken time and I still have not arrived. I still have some things to work through but I am so glad for Jesus and His Holy Spirit who continue to walk with me. I know God loves me and that Jesus died so that I might have life. I continue to ask God to do a miracle in my home. It’s really hard for me at times but I believe He is the only One who can help me. The Lord fights my battles each day and that gives me peace.”