Does anyone else love watching home improvement shows like me? Holly and I live in a 1200 sq ft, 100-year-old home!
This summer, we were finally able to get rid of our 30 plus year-old carpet and replace it with engineered wood and new carpet in the bedrooms. Holly’s biggest joy was to see the carpet finally removed from the bathroom she uses, and tile installed in its place.
We are not short on vision and ideas for our home to make it even more welcoming, charming and a place to find rest for our souls and spirits. We love our home! Any improvements take hard work, time and resources. I was thinking again this morning about those future plans and ideas. Wynn and Judi joined us for Thanksgiving this year and they came up with a name for our home…’the house of dreams‘.
In Proverbs 29:18, it states, “Without a vision, the people perish“. It emphasizes the importance of having a clear vision or purpose to avoid stumbling or destruction. When people pay attention to what God reveals, they are blessed. Why is it that many of us can have vision for a business, or a home renovation, a relationship, or a myriad of other things, but can lack clear spiritual vision for what God wants to do in and through our lives?
It is now 2025! HAPPY NEW YEAR!! Let it be our hearts cry, more than any temporal thing we put our hands to, that we have clear God vision for how God wants and desires to use our lives. Let’s see ourselves as God see us. That He has a clear plan, purpose, and vision for our lives. Jer. 29:11 Let us put aside the failures of 2024 and let’s press forward to the call of Christ Jesus and His plan for our lives. Once we can do this, Jesus can truly shine in our lives, and we are able to be the salt and light He has called us to be. All our lives are under spiritual construction and renovations. Let us continue to have heart postures that allow the great carpenter to get in and do some demolition, maybe move a wall or two, and trust Him that He knows what He is doing. After all, scripture says that He is faithful to complete the good work He has begun in us. Phil. 1:6