The first quarter of 2022 has been racked with physical issues for both Judi and myself. Nevertheless our Father has been faithful to walk along side us to provide everything we’ve needed including medical and personal financial support. What can we say that is negative…NOTHINIG! I guess it’s all in the way one looks at their circumstances. As I write this I continue to struggle with pneumonia and Judi is trying to handle a cough as well. We must say we appreciate all the encouragement that has come from our FB page Friends Who Pray for Restoring Wholeness Ministries. Your prayers have held us up and for that we thank you!

As most of you know my book, PRODIGAL a Journey to Freedom from Abuse and Addiction, was released last November. From the reviews on Amazon it looks as if it has been well received. As people buy and read it they are giving more reviews and that is so appreciate. With Amazon’s algorithm the more reviews the higher it goes up on their list and the more it is seen. We are leaving that modern phenomena to our Lord’s will and purpose.

On the ministry side we’ve been asked by LIFE Church Sea Point to do a video teaching on The Biblical View of Sexuality. Brett and Holly Martin, Jason Caywood and myself are in the process of recording them. Tammy Hopkins, a leader for many years at Life Church Sea Point and a good friend has headed up this initiative.
Thank you again for everyone of you who have prayed for us and Restoring Wholeness Ministries! God bless you!!!