And the hits just keep on coming! The scripture that hits me hard is John 10:10 AMP
“The thief comes only in order to steal and kill and destroy.
I came that they may have and enjoy life, and have it in abundance [to the full, till it overflows].“
What we are experiencing in the world today is the ongoing results of ‘the thief’. We are seeing, feeling and under the thief’s influence. We are even experiencing it in our personal lives. Our joy has been stolen, our lives are being killed and whatever is left is being destroyed. Depresion, anxiety, stress, confusion and deception. If you aren’t clear by now, that is a direct influence of our enemy, the thief – satan.
The good part of all this is Jesus continues to say, “I came that they may have and enjoy life, and have it in abundance [to the full, till it overflows].” It is Jesus Christ Spirit produces love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control.
That is a black and white clarity of what’s happening today. The awesome fact about this scripture is we can always tell ‘the source’ of what we are experiencing and feeling.
This year has proven to be a real tribulation in millions of lives. May our Father expose the deception and lies, may He expose the truth and may He draw all to His Son Jesus.
As for Restoring Wholeness we, Brett and Holly Martin, Jason Caywood and Judi and I are drawing nearer to our Father, listening to His guidance and forge ahead as He leads. There are tough times ahead yet we know with your prayers and support the Holy Spirit will do exceedingly above all that we can think, dream or imagine!
My schedule has become extremely full as I am doing more Zoom, Facebook video, Skype, etc. counselling and mentoring. This past quarter I was privileged to teach a group of around 30 non Christian sexologists in Ukraine on Understanding Same Sex Attraction. It proved to be a God moment, and we give Him all the praise. Our brand new video recording of “From Shame to Intimacy with Christ” seminar is just about to be launched – Please keep your eye out in our COURSES drop down menu. There is more to come and we will keep you abreast via our Facebook Restoring Wholeness page and our Friends Who Pray for Restoring Wholeness page.

Judi and I are hanging in there, God is good to us and we continue to depend on Him for our every need. Thank you for praying for us.