personal / ministry notes from Wynn – 3rd quarter 2023

personal / ministry notes from Wynn – 3rd quarter 2023

I pray all of you are happy and full of our Father’s Spirit. Judi and I are coming along quite well.

My shoulder has been healing at a rapid pace and my orthopedic surgeon is quite pleased. I began to move my arm the day after the surgery. Judi and I were amazed at how much movement I had even in the first couple of weeks. We are as well! Praise the Lord. THANK YOU for all your prayers!!!

Prodigal is being translated into Spanish and Lord willing will be completed by the end of this year. It’s taking longer than expected yet we are excited that this is becoming a reality!

In the next couple of years we hope to have Prodigal translated into French! A close friend in Switzerland will do the work and we’ll keep you posted as to this outcome.

If you haven’t read Prodigal, a Journey to Freedom from Abuse and Addiction I urge you get it. Many have read it and shared it with someone whom they know needs hope and encouragement.
It’s available on Amazon – print and digital (CLICK HERE)

I love the process of life that God leads us through. It took a long time to realize and come to grips with the process. As in the scripture, James (James 1: 2-4 NIV) emphasizes the truth about facing trials of many kinds, and the perseverance (= consistency) it takes to get to the place of ‘maturity, and complete, not lacking anything‘.

Through the last 3 plus years we’ve all experienced many thing including the results of COVID and the way our governments, our communities and our families have handled it. Much, we realize, has been a very hard time. Some have lost their jobs, businesses or lost precious time learning and growing properly.

Today, I was talking to a dear friend and colleague in South Africa about our ministries. One theme became paramount. The importance of being focused, consistent, and being clear, direct and specific in accomplishing our goals, moreover the purpose of our Father’s plan.

Clutter happens over time to just about all of us. Frustration, confusion and some hopelessness are underlying experiences along the way. After many times of crying out to the Lord, He gave me clarity. He revealed the need to refocus and declutter (clean house) so I could start clear headed!

A HUGE SHOUT OUT and praise to our Father, Lord and Savior for never leaving or forsaking me! The truth is He never does – no matter how mixed up or foggy things become! He IS FAITHFUL!

Judi and I are extremely thankful to all of you who pray for us, support us and love us. We love you back!!!