Our lives are busy. Our lives are full. There is no margin. We live for the next appointment hoping to feel some satisfaction of completion only to discover another item has been added to the list of to dos. How do we get off this wheel and stop the cycle long enough to hear clearly from the Author of life? How do we keep our vision and eyes on the prize?
It is easy to find our identity, value and worth in what we have accomplished. The world applauds and encourages this. If we are not careful, for those of us in ministry, we also can find our value and worth in doing. This often happens from meeting needs and serving others.
I believe the answer comes from giving ourselves permission to be still and quiet with the sole purpose to seek the One Who truly brings lasting meaning and purpose into our lives. If we allow it, it is in these alone and quiet spaces that hurts from the pasts can rise to the surface, not to bring torment, but to bring freedom. Could it be that we haven’t experienced the goodness of God long enough or deep enough to truly understand and believe that He has our best interests at heart? I love how Psalms 34 says to “Taste and see that the LORD is good. Oh, the joys of those who take refuge in Him!”
Could it be that we are deeply missing out on something because we do not know or understand what Jesus wants to give us? We have allowed our hurts, pain and shame from the past to dictate what we believe about the true nature of God. Or maybe we have our ideas or preconceived notions on how we think God should answer our prayers. We have listened to the lies for so long that they have become truth. Change and transformation can happen instantly but from my experience, it happens mostly over time by consistently doing the right things over and over.
If we take a moment to begin the habit and practice of creating space for the GOD of the universe to speak to our hearts, and when we listen, miracles begin to happen. Vision is restored. And true purpose and meaning is found that looks different from what the world esteems and values.