personal notes from Brett Oct-Dec Newsletter

personal notes from Brett Oct-Dec Newsletter

We are now into the fall semester!  God has been doing wonderful things in the hearts of students at Northern Arizona University and Embry Riddle University through Restoring Wholeness Ministries.  Over 100 students have become involved in the Chi Alpha communities on each campus.  The first month of campus ministry is very strategic as students are making decisions where they will invest their time and hearts.  This is important because it is during the college years when God can really get a hold of a student’s life, transform them with godly community and discipleship and train and encourage them to be world changers and missional once they graduate.

Not only has the Lord given me a heart and compassion for the spiritually lost, He has also given me a heart to walk alongside those that have been hurt and are struggling within the body of Christ.  If we are honest, there have been times in all of our lives that we have struggled with something.  I know and can remember the challenges I faced as a college student some 20 years ago.  Today those challenges seem pale in comparison to the intensity of issues and temptations students are facing today.  But God is raising up a generation of young people that are crying out for righteousness, justice and integrity.

I am now leading and teaching the Restoring Wholeness Support Program at the NAU Chi Alpha group on Wednesdays.  I have 5 women and 5 men that have committed their time and emotional energy in going a deeper.  The first week I laid a foundation and framework from scripture discussing and talking about God’s original intent for our sexuality and relationships.  This teaching is paramount because everything else we will discuss in the our 16 week program builds from this. Students need to hear this because we are living in a time when there are seemingly no boundaries. There are so many voices arounds us, especially on the college campus, speaking loudly that everyone should do as they feel and want. “If it feels good, do it“.  But any good parent knows the importance of setting up healthy boundaries for their children for protection and care.  God is the best Father and He has set up clear boundaries for our sexuality and relationships in scripture for His kids.  I greatly appreciate your prayers for sensitivity to the Holy Spirit and anointing for myself and two leaders as we walk alongside these 10 students.

On a more personal note, other than some health issues Holly has been navigating and healing from, we are doing well. We definitely stay busy.  Holly has also been able to join me on Tuesdays when I go either to Flagstaff or Prescott and sometimes on Fridays. The students love seeing Holly and she is enjoying meeting all the students as well. We also celebrated our 3rd wedding anniversary.  Holly and I are grateful for what God has done in our lives and the things He continues to do and show us in how to love one another better.  We both feel extremely blessed by God’s goodness.  We would appreciate your prayers for God’s guidance, peace and continued healing for Holly. May you all have a Happy Thanksgiving, a Merry and blessed Christmas and a very prosperous 2019!