RW Blog October 2024

RW Blog October 2024

Facebook, X and Instagram have had their pros and cons…

…but one thing is for sure…I’m thankful for the ability to keep in contact with all those who I have had the privilege to cross paths with and come to know around the world. Some of you are close friends and others are acquaintances – nevertheless as I scroll down my “Friends” list I have nothing but love and fond memories.

Sometimes I feel loneliness because I can’t see you more often. When there is love in our hearts for one another that happens. I look forward to when we are all together again – can you imagine? All of us who have the inheritance of our Father through Jesus Christ His Son, will not have to endure separation again! I see us as family – if you know me you know my heart. God bless you!

Hey, just thought of an idea – if you are not doing this already, why not try using our “Social Media Friends list” as a daily prayer list. We could wait on the Lord a few moments every day as we go down our list for encouraging words for each other. If we don’t seem to have the time, consider the great need each of us has for prayer and our Lord’s command to “…lift each other up in the faith…encourage one another…”

Jude 20-21 NIV

20 But you, dear friends, by building yourselves up in your most holy faith and praying in the Holy Spirit, 21 keep yourselves in God’s love as you wait for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ to bring you to eternal life.