—– personal/ministry notes —– from Wynn 1st quarter 2020

—– personal/ministry notes —– from Wynn 1st quarter 2020

As 2020 begins and a whole year looms ahead there is much to ponder, meditate and prepare for. We are so thankful to the inspiration, wisdom and passion that our Father has given each one of our team!

Of course, as in everyone’s life there are ups and downs. December for both Judi and I were just that! As we all do, she and I prayed for our Father to heal us, take some of the ‘thorns’ away…yet we continued to endure. What we realized is that sometimes God doesn’t answer the prayers we want them to be answered. The truth of the matter is that ‘in’ those trials and tribulations we learn about our Father’s love that never leaves us and sustains us through it all. This is when we realize just how wonderful and faithful He is. We are doing much better, praise the Lord! And for those who knew what we were going through, thank you for your support and prayers! There is still a couple of big hurdles, yet we know God is with us!


The first thing we have accomplished as of the 3rd of January, 2020 has been our NEW web site! This was a task that one of our RW Board members took on, Pastor Kai Eilert, has graciously set about of change over into our new design. He set it all in motion and together we have accomplished a huge task that we believe is going to be a benefit to all who visit our site. Please continue to pray for our social media endeavor including our website.

The second goal was for our RW Creative Team, Jason Caywood, Brett Martin, Nick Strebendt and myself to complete an update to our RW Support Group Manual. We have been working on this project for over a year. Only one section needs to be completed. I must say our RW team, Board, Creative team, leaders are truly God sent and anointed.

We, as we know all of you are, looking ahead into 2020 with great anticipation. The Word our Father gave me was, “Anticipate the adventure I have purposed for you with great hope“. I share that with you for 2020!