Wynn’s personal thoughts for April-June 2019 Newsletter

Wynn’s personal thoughts for April-June 2019 Newsletter

I’d like to share a thought regarding the times we feel we are unworthy or not valuable enough to do what God has called us to do. We all have those times, and we all let those thoughts defeat us from time to time. We also know the scripture Philippians 4:13 in which we are told that we can do all things…through Christ.  The key is “through Christ”, not ourselves. I’ve grown, over the years, to know how much meditation and waiting on the Lord has helped and strengthened me to become what our Father has intended me to be. May I suggest that taking time out of your busy, busy day to “Be strong and courageous”. Do not doubt yourself…it’s a waste of time. Just like depression and feeling sorry for oneself. Always remember that “…the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.”

Regarding the ministry, in the last two months we have held 3 ‘From Shame to Intimacy with Christ’ One Day Seminars, at Central City Assembly in Tucson, Embry Riddle University in Prescott, and Northern Arizona University in Flagstaff. All 3 were well attended and deep change has started in many young people. Along with Brett Martin, we are very happy to add two new dynamic teachers, Jason Caywood and Isaiah Barker.






Brett and myself are heading to minister in Ukraine and Switzerland again in June.






We have a full schedule starting with Lana and the TV team at CBN Kiev, then we work with Sergey and Teen Challenge Ukraine and finally with Alyona and YWAM in Lutsk, western Ukraine.

If you would like to partner with this mission outreach, please click here – we need your financial and prayer support.

Brett Martin is heading up our Northern Arizona RW Ministry in Flagstaff and Prescott. God is blessing his diligent work. We are extremely thankful for Brett and his lovely wife, Holly.