
The latest interviews with Wynn Cameron Thompson.


Finding freedom from relational and sexual brokenness.


RW August 2024 Blog

I’d like to share a thought I believe the Lord gave me regarding entitlement and the ongoing struggle that so many Christians have when they lose sight of the awesome privilege of God’s grace.  I can best illustrate this concept with a story. An adult visits his parents at their home for a two-week stay. He is very close to them, but has been living in another country for some time. During his visit, he falls into his old habits…

———— July – September 2024 ———— RW International Prayer Newsletter ‘Original Intent’

Jerimaiah 29:1111 For I know the plans and thoughts that I have for you,’ says the Lord, ‘plans for peace and well-being and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope.  ‘Faith by Bullet Point‘ personal story“God has brought my wife and I closer together as husband and wife…” CLICK HERE FOR MORE personal notes from Wynn – 3rd quarter 2024 “EXCITING SUMMER; BIG CHALLENGE; TEACHING OPPORTUNIES“ CLICK HERE FOR MORE personal / ministry notes from Jason – 3rd quarter 2024 “Sabbath keeping is revolutionary because it…