RW Blog


Sin, Grace and Sincerity by Jason Caywood Recently I heard a story of a family friend who was a believer and is now in the Lord’s Presence due to the passing of death. At one point in his life he realized that he needed the Lord Jesus to save him. He told a friend, “My heart is black and full of sin.” He knew that he needed the grace the Gospel proclaims and did embrace the Lord Jesus and he…

RW Blog MAY 2024 – Jason Caywood

Addiction as a Negative Mirror of the Law by Jason Caywood              Life experience can be and should be for us a potent tool in God’s hands. That is, if one is willing to open one’s will to listen to wisdom and discretion. The key is always our willingness to listen and thus heed the truth we know. Yet the Lord never ceases to bear witness to the truth and to lovingly guide those willing to heed him. In my experience…

RW Blog – March 2024

“I gave up too soon.” A few years ago I was helping out with our church’s ‘feed the homeless’ outreach. When all the meals had been served a lady walked up and asked for a second helping of food. A minute before the chef took that tray away that had some of the food on it. She looked and said, ‘Oh well’, then passed by. A few minutes later the chef returned with a bit more food. I called out…


What IS real repentance? 2 Kings 22-23:25 22:11 “When the king heard what was written in the book, God’s Revelation, he ripped his robes in dismay.” (Message) “The impressions which the reading of the law made upon Josiah were that he rent his clothes, as one ashamed of the sin of his people and afraid of the wrath of God; he had long thought his kingdom was in a bad state, by reason of the idolatries and impieties that had…

RW Blog February 2024

Who Is Responsible? Ezekiel 3:20 – NIV “Again, when a righteous person turns from their righteousness and does evil, and I put a stumbling-block before them, they will die. Since you did not warn them, they will die for their sin. The righteous things that person did will not be remembered, and I will hold you accountable for their blood.” “Who Is Responsible” by Wynn Cameron Thompson Seems like the more I hear many people talk the more I hear excuses.…

RW January 2024 Blog

“One thing I do know. I was blind but now I see!”John 9:25b –  Starting off a new year brings memories as well as hope for the future. For those of us who have lived a sexually broken lifestyle and have decided to walk away from it and embrace what we believe to be a God-honoring life, I’d like to say don’t stop believing, don’t stop bathing yourself in Jeremiah 29:11-13. May I say that I have personally experienced something…

Restoring Wholeness Blog December 2023 – by Judi Thompson

How many times have you been on social media and have read something “NEW” and been either amazed or upset by this new-found information?  With so much ‘dis-information’ being spread, we are learning not to believe everything we read or hear. We can be gullible at times especially if it’s something we like or want. We need to do our own research and fact check to find out the source of the information. This reminds me of our spiritual food.…

RW Blog November 2023 – Brett Martin

What voices am I listening to?  Have you ever asked yourself that question?  I think of myself as being a positive person.  I want to believe the best about myself and others. When I look at challenging or difficult situations in a person’s life, for the most part, faith fills my heart and mind of what God can do. This is usually the case when my eyes and heart are centered on God.  (John 15)    I can see with His…

RW Blog October 2023 – Jason Caywood

Marching on the Trees by Jason Caywood One of the repeated refrains from the narrative historical sections of the Hebrew Scripture (Old Testament) is that God must go before the people of Israel for them to have victory. Many Psalms praise this facet of God’s activity in the history of Israel and some lament God’s apparent absence from Israel’s political and military challenges. But the core conviction remains the same: God must be present with his people for them to succeed…