
The latest interviews with Wynn Cameron Thompson.


Finding freedom from relational and sexual brokenness.


RW Blog October 2024

Facebook, X and Instagram have had their pros and cons… …but one thing is for sure…I’m thankful for the ability to keep in contact with all those who I have had the privilege to cross paths with and come to know around the world. Some of you are close friends and others are acquaintances – nevertheless as I scroll down my “Friends” list I have nothing but love and fond memories. Sometimes I feel loneliness because I can’t see you more…

RW August 2024 Blog

I’d like to share a thought I believe the Lord gave me regarding entitlement and the ongoing struggle that so many Christians have when they lose sight of the awesome privilege of God’s grace.  I can best illustrate this concept with a story. An adult visits his parents at their home for a two-week stay. He is very close to them, but has been living in another country for some time. During his visit, he falls into his old habits…


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