Jerimaiah 29:11
11 For I know the plans and thoughts that I have for you,’ says the Lord,
‘plans for peace and well-being and not for disaster,
to give you a future and a hope.
‘Faith by Bullet Point‘ personal story“ ” CLICK HERE FOR MORE
personal notes from Wynn – 3rd quarter 2024 “Exciting Summer; Big Challenge; Teaching Opportunities“…CLICK HERE FOR MORE
personal / ministry notes from Jason – 3rd quarter 2024 “Sabbath keeping is revolutionary because it profoundly challenges and protests against the notion “…CLICK HERE FOR MORE
personal / ministry notes from Brett – 3rd quarter 2024 “Please put your oxygen mask on first before you assist your child or another passenger” …CLICK HERE FOR MORE

We are a team connected by a powerful thread…prayer! It is vital that Restoring Wholeness share with our partners. Join the Rock Group by clicking here emailing us. May our Father continue to energize you with His Spirit, protect, and provide for you! With much gratitude Restoring Wholeness Team!
Please pray for finances to keep Jason Caywood in the position of RW Assistant Director. We need to raise another $500 a month. RW needs your partnership very much. God bless you for your prayerful consideration.
Please pray for RW Support Group Leaders at Northern Arizona University, and in Prescott, AZ, and Cottonwood, AZ led by Brett & Holly Martin; and Tucson, AZ, with Jason Caywood and Wynn; and Nick and Lisa Strebendt in Minneapolis, MN.
Please continue to pray that Wynn’s book & Audio Book on Audible – Prodigal: A Journey to Freedom from Abuse, and Addiction (CLICK HERE TO ORDER) will continue to get into the hands of those who need hope as well as Christian leaders.
Please continue to pray for ISREAL and UKRAINE!
God bless you for your consistent faithfulness in prayer and support!
Restoring Wholeness Ministries, P.O. Box 64907, Tucson, 85728-4907
Office: +1-520-887-0115 – Ministry Gmail: RestoringWholeness @
You can use PayPal (click here to use this email address) OR
if your bank has Zelle (within the USA) use our ministry Gmail above, with
your donation and your name, and it will be deposited directly into the ministries account. For those in the USA, it is tax deductible. Donations help fund our missions trips, projects and pay for the daily running of RWM.
You can also help support Wynn & Judi – please designate where you’d like your donation to go. It’s all deductible.