Message from the heart
by Judi A. Thompson
I recently walked through a courtyard that was beautiful and pristine. I didn’t linger but had taken notice how everything seems so clean and in order. Later in the day I went back through the same area after the winds picked up.
I was taken back with the condition and visual impact the wind left on the courtyard. Leaves had been released from the trees and swirled into random piles all over the yard. Trash that had been hiding under leaves was dislodged from it’s hiding place and was now dancing with the various bits of debris and leaves.
I couldn’t help but think of how the Holy Spirit can breathe on our lives and expose the hidden things that lay out of sight. Things that can be shaken in the strength of the wind can be broken free. What would appear to be a life in order, can be exposed by a strong wind of the Holy Spirit. Once exposed and the debris removed, the courtyard of our life can truly be renewed.
My prayer?
“Create in my a clean heart and renew a right spirit within me by allowing the wind of the Holy Spirit to move in my life.” Psalm 51:10