Posts from July 2024

———— July – September 2024 ———— RW International Prayer Newsletter ‘Original Intent’

Jerimaiah 29:1111 For I know the plans and thoughts that I have for you,’ says the Lord, ‘plans for peace and well-being and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope.  ‘Faith by Bullet Point‘ personal story“God has brought my wife and I closer together as husband and wife…” CLICK HERE FOR MORE personal notes from Wynn – 3rd quarter 2024 “EXCITING SUMMER; BIG CHALLENGE; TEACHING OPPORTUNIES“ CLICK HERE FOR MORE personal / ministry notes from Jason – 3rd quarter 2024 “Sabbath keeping is revolutionary because it…

personal / ministry notes from Jason – 3rd quarter 2024

A friend of mine related to me that this past year Javelinas came onto his property and dug up and tore out an irrigation line which he had put underground. This irrigation line stretched around his whole property (about one acre of his land). He had to replace the entire irrigation line because of the damage done by the Javalina—which cost him a lot of money and took a lot of time to replace! Javalina are notorious for scavenging whatever…

personal notes from Wynn – 3rd quarter 2024

EXCITING SUMMER! Alyona Yukhymchuk and her family visited America for the first time. All 6 of them were a treasure to Judi and me. I have been to Ukraine 6 times, teaching and sharing about the power of Jesus Christ in YWAM, churches, Teen Challenge and CBN Television. I was blessed to have Alyona host and organize events and translate for me. They are here for 3 month itinerating and raising funds for YWAM UKRAINE. Please pray for them. BIG…