RW Blog (Page 3)

RWM Blog November 2022 – “Fake News”

Fake news – by Judith A. Thompson (From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia) Fake news websites (also referred to as hoax news[1][2]) deliberately publish hoaxes, propaganda, and disinformation purporting to be real news—often using social media to drive web traffic and amplify their effect.[3][4][5] Unlike news satire, fake news websites seek to mislead rather than entertain readers, often for financial or political gain.[6][4] Such sites have promoted political falsehoods in Germany,[7][8] Indonesia and the Philippines,[9] Sweden,[10][11] Myanmar,[12] and the United States.[13][14][15] Many sites originate, or are promoted, from Russia,[3][13][16] Macedonia,[17][18] Romania,[19] and the United States.[20][21] The other day I noticed a…

RW October 2022 Blog

I’d like to share a thought I believe the Lord gave me regarding entitlement and the ongoing struggle that so many Christians have when they lose sight of the awesome privilege of God’s grace.  I can best illustrate this concept with a story. An adult visits his parents at their home for a two-week stay. He is very close to them, but has been living in another country for some time. During his visit, he falls into his old habits…

RW Blog – MAY 2022

Facebook has had it’s pros and cons… …but one thing is for sure…I’m thankful for the ability to keep in contact with all those who I have had the privilege to cross paths with and come to know. Some of you are close friends and others are acquaintances – nevertheless as I scroll down my “Friends” list I have nothing but love and fond memories. Sometimes I feel loneliness because I can’t see you more often. When there is love in…

RW Blog – April 2022

The Gift of Disruptionby Jason Caywood What strange circumstances have been thrust upon us these last couple of years. Much has been said about the impact of the spread of the covid-19 virus, from concerns about economic impact, people losing their jobs, concerns for public health and the impeding of civil and constitutional rights by officials in government. Many more words, both useful and useless, will pour forth in the coming months and years. I have been pondering these questions:…