Posts by Judi Thompson
RW Blog January 2025
How many opportunities may I have snoozed through and missed?
RWM Blog November 2024
Fake news – by Judith A. Thompson (From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia) Fake news websites (also referred to as hoax news[1][2]) deliberately publish hoaxes, propaganda, and disinformation purporting to be real news—often using social media to drive web traffic and amplify their effect.[3][4][5] Unlike news satire, fake news websites seek to mislead rather than entertain readers, often for financial or political gain.[6][4] Such sites have promoted political falsehoods in Germany,[7][8] Indonesia and the Philippines,[9] Sweden,[10][11] Myanmar,[12] and the United States.[13][14][15] Many sites originate, or are promoted, from Russia,[3][13][16] Macedonia,[17][18] Romania,[19] and the United States.[20][21] The other day I noticed a…
Restoring Wholeness Blog December 2023 – by Judi Thompson
How many times have you been on social media and have read something “NEW” and been either amazed or upset by this new-found information? With so much ‘dis-information’ being spread, we are learning not to believe everything we read or hear. We can be gullible at times especially if it’s something we like or want. We need to do our own research and fact check to find out the source of the information. This reminds me of our spiritual food.…
Message from the heart by Judi A. Thompson I recently walked through a courtyard that was beautiful and pristine. I didn’t linger but had taken notice how everything seems so clean and in order. Later in the day I went back through the same area after the winds picked up. I was taken back with the condition and visual impact the wind left on the courtyard. Leaves had been released from the trees and swirled into random piles all over…
“…hearing for the first time” by Judi A. Thompson Today I was strolling through Facebook. I found some old friends and new articles and information. It was just a lazy time of browsing. I came across the clip of children and adults when they could “hear” for the first time. It brought tears to my eyes. Those of us who do not struggle with hearing loss take hearing for granted. Watching them experience sound brought many of them to tears. A little…
Ever Accountable is Committed to Helping Women For a long time now, we’ve noticed a lack of help for women who struggle with porn, which is a problem! Women and men experience pornography differently for many reasons, and because of that, they need different kinds of information to find the motivation to quit.Here are a few basic reasons as to why women interpret pornography differently then men: By all means, please read further! The differences between how men and women experience…