RW Blog (Page 2)
RW January 2024 Blog
“One thing I do know. I was blind but now I see!”John 9:25b – Starting off a new year brings memories as well as hope for the future. For those of us who have lived a sexually broken lifestyle and have decided to walk away from it and embrace what we believe to be a God-honoring life, I’d like to say don’t stop believing, don’t stop bathing yourself in Jeremiah 29:11-13. May I say that I have personally experienced something…
Restoring Wholeness Blog December 2023 – by Judi Thompson
How many times have you been on social media and have read something “NEW” and been either amazed or upset by this new-found information? With so much ‘dis-information’ being spread, we are learning not to believe everything we read or hear. We can be gullible at times especially if it’s something we like or want. We need to do our own research and fact check to find out the source of the information. This reminds me of our spiritual food.…
RW Blog November 2023 – Brett Martin
What voices am I listening to? Have you ever asked yourself that question? I think of myself as being a positive person. I want to believe the best about myself and others. When I look at challenging or difficult situations in a person’s life, for the most part, faith fills my heart and mind of what God can do. This is usually the case when my eyes and heart are centered on God. (John 15) I can see with His…
RW Blog October 2023 – Jason Caywood
Marching on the Trees by Jason Caywood One of the repeated refrains from the narrative historical sections of the Hebrew Scripture (Old Testament) is that God must go before the people of Israel for them to have victory. Many Psalms praise this facet of God’s activity in the history of Israel and some lament God’s apparent absence from Israel’s political and military challenges. But the core conviction remains the same: God must be present with his people for them to succeed…
Genesis 2:7 “…then the Lord God formed the man of ch. dust from the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living creature.” First God created our body…then He breather into it His eternal Spirit. When the two combined the soul, our memories, thoughts and emotions were created. As I grew up in church most of the teaching I received revolved around the ‘spiritual’ part of humans. we were taught repeatedly about spiritual matters. During that time I…
It wasn’t until I was introduced to Restoring Wholeness ministries back in 2010 that I came to understand much of my life I had been living in fear, fear of rejection, fear of failure, and fear of abandonment just to name a few. My only coping mechanisms for dealing with these cruel feelings were ones I was deeply ashamed of, keeping in great secret. Growing up in a home with pretty much no reverence for God and all reverence for…
RW Blog JUNE 2023
Faith. What is it? Hebrews 11:1 states “…it is the confident assurance that something we want is going to happen. It is the certainty that what we hope for is waiting for us, even though we cannot see it up ahead.” Hebrews 11:6 says, “You can never please God without faith (trust) …” It is interesting to note that in Hebrews 3: 7-19 the Spirit of God tells us about the children of Israel who made God angry because of…
Message from the heart by Judi A. Thompson I recently walked through a courtyard that was beautiful and pristine. I didn’t linger but had taken notice how everything seems so clean and in order. Later in the day I went back through the same area after the winds picked up. I was taken back with the condition and visual impact the wind left on the courtyard. Leaves had been released from the trees and swirled into random piles all over…
RW March 2023 Blog
Revelation 12:10-11 “And I heard a loud voice in heaven, saying, “Now the salvation and the power and the kingdom of our God and the authority of his Christ have come, for the accuser of our brothers has been thrown down, who accuses them day and night before our God. And they have conquered him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony, for they loved not their lives even unto death.” I remember reading this passage and meditating on the fact…
RWM Blog – February 2023
There is NO woke or cancelling here… We’ve all been surrounded and overwhelmed by signs of end time prophecies. That in itself could affect us negatively or positively. For those of us who have Jesus Christ living inside and faith in what He promised…we have HOPE! Personally I chose to be positive! Especially in the light of today’s Woke and Cancel Culture. Cancel culture is the modern social attitude that controversial speech or behavior (i.e. traditional family values) must be…