Posts by Wynn Cameron Thompson (Page 3)

“Fix Your Focus on the Cloud”

“Fix your focus on the Cloud” Numbers 9:18-23 – NKJ 23 “At the command of the LORD they remained encamped, and at the command of the LORD they journeyed; they kept the charge of the LORD, at the command of the LORD by the hand of Moses.” One of the hardest times in our walk with Christ is when we find ourselves in the wilderness. We have heard of these experiences before actually experiencing them. We might think that they…

RW September 2021 Blog

“…’Not by might nor by power, but by My Spirit, says the Lord…” What in the world do we really know about the power of God’s Holy Spirit? Have we really experienced it first hand? If we say we have, do we really believe that God will continue to do all He needs to do on our behalf? Will His character stand the tests of our doubts and fears in the light of our experiences? Crisis is always a testing…

“Change!” by Carol Wagstaff Groen and Phillip Lee

Change! By Carol Wagstaff Groen and Phillip Lee The Oxford American Dictionary defines change as to make or become different; to pass from one form or phase into another. Certainly, for any individual the greatest change is to become a Christian and know that your destination has been changed from hell to heaven; to become born-again. While Scripture and an abundance of secular literature provide evidence that homosexuality, though deeply ingrained and even habitually practiced, can be overcome both as…

Suicide Prevention Information

Suicide Prevention Information Reposted by permission – Written by Anthony MartinPosted in Helpful Resources last updated on September 27, 2019 Suicidal Behavior Suicide causes immeasurable pain, suffering, and loss to individuals, families, and communities nationwide. On average, 112 Americans die by suicide each day. Suicide is the second leading cause of death among 15-24 year olds and more than 9.4 million adults in the United States had serious thoughts of suicide within the past 12 months. But suicide is preventable, so it’s important to…

In the middle of the muddle

Was thinking this morning about the words “muddle / wallow” and their action words “muddling / wallowing”.The dictionary definition is:  mud·dle – verb: muddling  bring into a disordered or confusing state. synonyms: confuse, mix up, jumble (up), disarrange, disorganize, disorder, disturb, mess up“you’ve muddled things up” confuse (a person or their thoughts). synonyms: bewilder, confuse, bemuse, perplex, puzzle, baffle, mystify “she became muddled”  busy oneself in a confused and ineffective way. God reminded me when Paul and Silas were thrown into prison.  (Acts 16:16-40)   Now I’m far from being a “Paul” but I sure know the feeling when it…

“I gave up too soon.”

“I gave up too soon.” A few years ago I was helping out with our church’s ‘feed the homeless’ outreach. When all the meals had been served a lady walked up and asked for a second helping of food. A minute before the chef took that tray away that had some of the food on it. She looked and said, ‘Oh well’, then passed by. A few minutes later the chef returned with a bit more food. I called out…

KT’s Story

The Evidence:I’ve battled most of my life with horrible memories of sexual abuse. I turned to homosexual relationships, cutting, drugs, co-dependency, eating disorders, and Daoism to help ease the pain of my past.  Those things only acted like band aids that always fell off, leaving me hungry for more. I always knew the life I was living was wrong. It felt wrong. But I refused to believe in a God who would allow such horrible things to happen to me. But my walls didn’t keep Jesus away. Jesus blew down the…


Testimony of a woman called Daniella “INTIMACY” the agony and the ecstasy of co-dependency. At the root of it, my need for intimacy has always been there, and the need itself has always been the same. Most of my life however, I didn’t realize that my acting out behaviour was rooted in the deepest need of all, the need for intimacy with another. My need for intimacy seems different now, and not as intense, but I think it is only…

“One thing I do know. I was blind but now I see!”

“One thing I do know. I was blind but now I see!”John 9:25b –  For those of us who have lived a homosexual lifestyle and have decided to walk away from it and embrace what we believe to be a God-honoring life…may I say personally that I have experienced something life-defining. One story in the New Testament tells about the man who was blind from birth and Jesus healed him. The religious authorities called him and his parents to account…


RESTORING WHOLENESS LIFE MATTERS 4 DAY EQUIPPING LEADERS COURSE “UNDERSTANDING AND MINISTERING TO THE RELATIONALLY AND SEXUALLY BROKEN PERSON WITHIN THE CHURCH” Cost: $250.00 per person – includes comprehensive manual.Phone: 1 520 887 0115  or E-Mail us Course Purpose:This course is designed to assist Church leaders and those preparing to step into leadership, in learning how to understand and disciple those with relational and sexual problems using biblical counselling methods. Pre-requisites:1. Must be a mature Christian.2. Applicant must be a committed member…