Blog (Page 6)
Internet Pornography & Marriage
A real life inspiring story…Click to read more
The Brokenness and Healing Legitimate Needs by W.C.Thompson
One of the important realizations I’ve had in my healing journey is that I have legitimate needs which, for some reason, were not met in my formative years. This coupled with the experiences of abuse and plain-old broken ways of thinking and being has given rise to my neediness, confusion and stinking thinking. I came to the conclusion it’s very important that we learn to distinguish between the legitimate needs related to our sexuality and our emotions and the false…
Stuck in Conflict
Getting to the place where we are sick and tired of being sick and tired…hum, that’s when we are ready to nail our control, desires, stinking thinking to the Cross…and let them die there. The only reason why we become or continue to be conflicted is that we want our cake and eat it too…you know what I mean? We want the truth to be – “we CAN serve two masters”. And after a while of that battle,..however long it…
Security from Yesterday – Oswald Chambers
“You shall not go out with haste,…for the Lord will go before you, and the God of Israel will be your rear guard.” —Isaiah 52:12 Security from Yesterday. “…God requires an account of what is past” (Ecclesiastes 3:15). At the end of the year we turn with eagerness to all that God has for the future, and yet anxiety is apt to arise when we remember our yesterdays. Our present enjoyment of God’s grace tends to be lessened by the…
NEW Teaching Video: Hearing the Voice of God
A teaching on how to hear God’s voice by Rev Wynn Cameron Thompson. Click here for video An outline study guide is available by writing us at USA at
a True story – Freedom from Codependency
by Lindsay Hill — Not long after my husband and I got married, he began traveling a lot for work. He had been my first boyfriend and we had spent 90% of our one year dating relationship apart, as I was overseas doing missions work. We were engaged for 6 months and then got married. I had no idea what co-dependency/relational idolatry was or that it was an issue in my life, and since things moved pretty quickly in our relationship,…
Restored Hope Network
Restoring Wholeness Ministries is now officially affiliated with a tried and true accountability network of sound ministries nation-wide. Restored Hope is an inter-denominational membership governed network dedicated to restoring hope to those broken by sexual and relational sin, especially those impacted by homosexuality. We proclaim that Jesus Christ has life-changing power for all who submit to Christ as Lord; we also seek to equip His church to impart that transformation. Click here for more on RWN
Support Restoring Wholeness Ministries by shopping at AmazonSmile
Please consider donating to Restoring Wholeness Ministries by shopping on Amazon Support Restoring Wholeness Ministries by shopping at AmazonSmile. When you shop at, Amazon will donate to Restoring Wholeness Ministries. Support us every time you shop Amazon. Go to, chose Restoring Wholeness Ministries to donate to. In the upper left hand corner, under that search bar you will see who you are supporting. In the regular Amazon it doesn’t. That’s how you’ll know you are on the right site. Amazon donates 0.5% of the…

Minneapolis, Minnesota – NEW RW LIFE Matters Support Group
Minneapolis, Minnesota NEW RW LIFE Matters Support Group: October 2015 through March 2016 Contact info: Michael Newland, mike AT, 612.486.2684 Registration Deadline: September 15 Dates: Monday nights, October 5-November 30 (no meeting Nov 2) and ….. Monday nights, January 25-March 21 (no meeting March 14) Location: Minneapolis, MN 55414 ( Contact Michael Newland ) For detailed Course info – CLICK HERE
Validation & Acceptance
Validation & Acceptance — by Daniel Burke We have a deep need to be validated. Probably very intentional from God’s perspective. I liken it to a implanted ‘checking-system’ that forces me to check my motives before I go out and conquer relentlessly without any consideration of the consequences. Validation is defined as ‘to check or prove the validity or accuracy of something’, so my very need for it highlights a desire to bring truth and purpose to my endeavors. And…